Do You Want to Become a Hunter? A Story by Andraya Grangroth

A couple of months ago, we were delighted to meet Andraya, an avid outdoorswoman, photographer, and hunting guide! She recently wrote a blog about what hunting means to her and how she wants to help other women become more involved. Be sure to check out her blog, What’s Your Wild? for more of her stories, poetry, and adventures! Below are a couple of excerpts from her article. Click the link below to read the whole story of taking new hunter, Caitlin Thebus, out into the turkey woods.


“As avid hunters and fisher, the woman of Rocky Mountain Sportswomen strive to provide opportunities for woman to come together and get more involved with conservation and the outdoors through hunting and fishing. They hope to change the face of hunting and become role models in the outdoor industry.”

“As hunters, we all take away something different from the valleys and mountains we cross, as we pursue wild game. And as the miles add up on our boots our yearning for these moments only grow stronger. “