Turkey Hunting 101 with Colorado Parks & Wildlife

We have made some awesome friends with some of the folks from Colorado Parks & Wildlife. We teamed up with CPW”s Hunter Outreach Coordinator, Kathleen Mawhinney to help us with a Rocky Mountain Sportswomen virtual Turkey Hunting 101 course. We had so much fun learning the basics of turkey hunting and had a wonderful turnout of women from all around the state of Colorado. We even had a trivia quiz at the end to giveaway 5 ONX Hunt subscriptions! Below is our webinar clinic in case you missed it!

The day after our clinic, Colorado Parks and Wildlife also hosted a Turkey Hunting 201 covering more detail on calling, and social dynamics of turkeys and how to use them to your advantage. Though we weren’t a part of the clinic, many of the attendants from our 101 class decided to continue their turkey education. Below is the Turkey 201 webinar!

We hope you learned a lot from these turkey hunting webinars! Be sure to tag us on social media of your adventures out in the field! @rockymountainsportswomen Good luck out there!